Verilog Code for SR Latch

Verilog Code for SR Latch

SR Latch:

An SR latch (Set/Reset) is an asynchronous device: it works independently of control signals and relies only on the state of the S and R inputs. In the image we can see that an SR latch can be created with two NOR gates that have a cross-feedback loop. SR latches can also be made from NAND gates, but the inputs are swapped and negated.

SR using nand gate truth table

Verilog Code for SR Latch:

SR Latch using NAND gate
module sr_latch(q,qbar,Sbar,Rbar);
output q,qbar;
input Sbar,Rbar;

nand n1(q,Sbar,qbar);
nand n2(qbar,Rbar,q);



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